Clear For Life

Clear For Life by Seppo Puusa is a wonderful book. It discusses the root cause of acne and ways on how to approach the acne problem from many different aspects. Although there are several medicines and lotions available in the market to cure acne, Seppo Puusa encourages the use of natural methods as alternatives to chemicals.

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Clear For Life focuses on concepts concerning lifestyle and the environment, such as diet, oxygen and fresh air, sunlight, fitness, and a positive attitude. In this book, you will learn how your diet can contribute to acne development and how to implement new dietary changes to get rid of it forever. You will discover how fresh air helps get rid of acne and how you can do this no matter where you live. You will learn how sunlight aids in acne control, plus, you get an excuse to tan. You will also know how a little exercise can help you fight acne. Lastly, you will find out how a positive attitude and proper stress control or management can prevent the development of acne.

Here are other things which you can expect from the book:

- How to have permanently clear skin for life and look better

- How to improve your immune system

- How to eliminate excess and unwanted body fat

- How to cleanse your colon

- How to maintain a normal blood sugar level

- How to eliminate toxins from your body

Curing acne isn't an overnight process. It can be achieved by discovering the habits that cause acne and implementing lifestyle changes to combat them. Curing acne may take a matter of weeks, but it may involve only simple, practical, and completely doable processes.

Clear For Life will treat acne without the use of any expensive creams or gels. It will not interfere with your social life in order to have clear skin. And most importantly, it will help you regain your energy, enthusiasm, and self-confidence.